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Membership Information

Requirements for Membership

To be a Ballville Firefighter you must meet certain department and state requirements.  To qualify for membership, the applicant must:

- Live in Ballville Township

- Be at least 18 years old

- Be a U.S. citizen

- Not be in High School

- Be physically capable to perform the duties of a firefighter

- Have good moral character

- Must not have been convicted of any felony, certain misdemenors, and have a good driving record

Once an applicant has become a member, other requirements include:

- Maintain a current Ohio Firefighter certification

- Obtain other certifications such as Hazardous Materials and Incident Command courses 

- Attend 75% of our monthly meetings and In-House trainings

- Attend all department fundraisers

- Assist in maintaing  all equipment and buildings owned by the department

If you feel this is a job for you, please click below and fill out our membership application!

We Do Not Just Fight Fire.....

Though we are called a fire department, we respond to a wide veriety of incidents.  Because of this, we also need to have a wide veriety of training to ensure the public's, as well as our own safety.  Here is just a partial list of possible responses:

- Water Rescue

- Confined Space & Trench Rescue

- Structural Collapse Rescue

- High Angle Rope Rescue

- Hazardous Material Spill/Release

- Motor Vehicle Crashes

- Aviation Incidents

- Medical Emergencies

- Bomb Threats/Incidents

- Terrorist Incidents

- All Types of Fires

2018 Ballville Volunteer Fire Department Inc. 

Non-Emergency Phone - 419-332-0774

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